Our history

Leeds City Athletic Club was formed by amalgamation at the end of September, 1967, from three constituent Clubs. The oldest constituent Club was LEEDS St. MARK’S HARRIERS and old it was, being the second Harriers’ Club founded in Yorkshire, in 1880.
The secondoldest constituent was LEEDS ATHLETIC CLUB, the only one of the trio which had any pretensions to do more than crosscountry. It had been founded as Harehills Harriers in the 1880s (this leads to some confusion, as will be seen.)
The third club was HAREHILLS LIBERAL CLUB HARRIERS illustrating another focus for runners in the early days, pubs and clubs. This was very similar in activities and attitudes to Leeds St. Marks a closeknit local club with traditional ideas but it had been singularly more successful than the others at high level. Between 1945 and 1963 it had twice won team medals in the English Senior CrossCountry Championship “The National” and had also won team medals at Youths’ level.

Committee Members & Trustees

Club Executive Committee

General Committee

Executive Committee members plus: